Tuesday 29 March 2011

Video - Building Core Strength: Safely Performing Planks

I'm getting stitches every time I run and one possible cause of this, I gather, is that my core muscles ain't up to scratch. You core basically consists of your stomach muscles, back muscles and your ass and you use it for pretty much everything. There are a few ways to strengthen the muscles, like yoga and pilates, but one method that doesn't involve classes or equipment (don't know about you, but I'm on a budget here) is doing planks. And I'm not going to explain them, because I dug up this video for that exact reason. If you could ignore the cheesy American voice over, that'd be awesome.


  1. Hey Mark - as a climber my core muscles are pretty good, yet I still suffer quite badly with stitches when I run!

    One thing I have found helps is to manage my breathing better. If I feel a stitch coming on then I start doing long, slow, drawn out breaths - in through my nose and out through the mouth. I think there's something in this movement which just seems to calm my diaphragm down and ease the stitch.

    But of course, building core strength is still super good for you, so worth doing anyway.

  2. D'oh! Thanks Graham, I'll give that a try. There's so much different advice out there! Got a bit of a stitch last night, but it wasn't so bad as they have been.
