I decided that destroying my gut and getting healthy was going to commence in January, right after the festivities involving food and booze were over. So it was that in good faith (and knowing I had no scales at home) I spotted a set of scales in a friend's (friends' mum's, if we're going to be accurate) toilet. 'Aha!' I thought. 'If I'm going to be less fat I should totally weigh myself!' So I did. It was a bit upsetting, actually. I weighed 18 stone. I'm 6'2, but that's still quite a bit. The goal was to lose a stone by February 5th, when I was off snowboarding. An ambitious but achievable goal, I reckoned.
So off I trotted, continuing to not own a set of scales. Flash forward a bit over three weeks and I went round to my Mum's house, where there ARE some scales. I waited until after lunch (I'd just eaten when I weighed myself at the friends' mum's house) then pottered upstairs to weigh myself. 17st. Brilliant! Except... I'd been prepared to be perhaps a little bit disappointed. Had I really lost a full stone? It'd only been three and bit weeks, after all. So had I really lost a stone, or had the first set of scales (which were analogue and decrepit-looking) been a bit off? I didn't know. Still don't. I'm inclined to think they were close enough and that, judging on the speed I've lost weight at since, I reached my target Feb 5th. But I don't know for certain.
Lesson: use the same set of scales to weigh yourself on every time (dumbass!)
I still don't own a pair of scales, though. Part of me can definitely see the benefit of monitoring my weight and seeing the smaller milestones being hit, but part of me doesn't want to be bogged down in weighing myself every day. I'm trying to make a change to my lifestyle that'll last and will improve my health for the rest of my life. Daily weigh-ins, like obsessive calorie counting, don't seem to be entering into the spirit of that. Sure, weighing in needs to happen to make sure my belly's going in the right direction, but every few weeks when I'm visiting my parents will do for me.
(That is all).
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