Last night I made Chilli Chicken burgers. First ever burgers! They were a bit awesome and pretty easy.
I got the recipe from Ainsley Harriott's Low Fat Meals in Minutes. Basically consists of mashing up 500g of lean chicken (or Turkey) mince with a tablespoon of fresh mint, two tablespoons of fresh coriander or parsley, one chopped chili, Worcester sauce and salt and pepper. Then you grill them for about five minutes on each side. That's about it. I put them in granary baps I got cheap from the 'soon you won't be able to eat this' shelf at Asda with tomato, lettuce and ultra-super-mega-light mayo.
I did cock up and forgot to add the Worcester sauce, though. Ended up putting it on as they were cooking. They still turned out super-tasty, but I'd recommend bothering to put it IN the burgers anyway. I also used dried chili flakes rather than a fresh one, because Kirsty finds getting proper bits of chili in her food to be too hot. Honestly, I reckon you could use ground/dry herbs and spices instead of the fresh ones, too. Ainsley's a bit big on telling you to use fresh this and fresh that, but not all supermarkets carry fresh herbs and not everyone can get to the market for them.
I used the old fashioned grill, but I reckon my George Foreman would have done them. I was a bit worried it would squish the mixture too much, but I think it'd have been OK and, because I couldn't get lean chicken mince, there was a bit of fat the GF would have got rid of.
Still: very satisfying, easy meal!
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